• Notice of General Meeting

    GM to be held on the 27th Oct 2019

    Hi All! There will be a general meeting on the 27th of October 2019. Official notice will follow with the Agenda, ASF and Levy statement in due course.

    In the meantime please get any suggested agenda items to the board by the 29th of September 2019.

  • AGM 2019 Sunday 28th April

    10AM at the Nmbngee Community House

    NOTE: AGM Has been POSTPONED – correct date is above

    Download Printable/Emailable Agenda Here


    • Election of Chairperson
    • Apologies
    • Minutes of Previous Meeting / Business Arising
    • Correspondence / Business Arising
    • Treasurer’s Report
    • Share Transfer from Geoffrey Fitzgibbon to Gary Ford
    • Resident Non-Shareholders
    • Resignation of old Directors / Election of new Board
    • Budget 2019 (Proposed)
    Rates and Fees $3,500.00
    Road Works $5000.00
    Emergency $600.00
    Power $1,200.00
    Admin $200.00
    Legal $2,000.00
    Community House (Mainhouse) $2,000.00
    Site 5 Maintenance $2,500.00
    Totals $17,000.00


    • Share Transfer – Geoffrey Fitzgibbon wishes to transfer his share to Gary Ford.
    • Resolution: That no person, shareholder or non-shareholder shall occupy or dwell on an area not fully approved as a site by Nmbngee Co Operative. (Proposed: Ross)
    • Resolution: An increase in the ASF of $50 annually per share be levied upon shareholders in order to cover increasing costs and allow improvements in Co Operative infrastructure. (Proposed: Ross)
    • Resolution: (Markus) That a day be designated for FIRE TRUCK / Emergency Training for all residents.


    • (Bjorn/Venu) Venu Cameron would like to apply for a share in the Nmbngee community. She would like to discuss options to construct a cabin roughly where Markus had a new site approved previously (between Ingrid’s and Forest’s houses). Venu would like to discuss a way forward (i.e. purchase of existing share, approval of site etc).  
    • (Mattie)  Request for access to water from tank next to Community House.
    • (Reno Team) Request for funds re: Community House.
    • (Neil) Cutting branch over Community House.
    • (Ingrid) Wishes to discuss burn piles around community.
    • (Ingrid) Main Road repairs.
    • (Bob) Request for pile of gravel.
    • (Chris) Discussion of the presence of cats and dogs as a breach of Nmbngee by-laws. 
  • Notification of Potential New Shareholders

    Nmbngee checking out potential new members

    Forest has tenants in his place currently who wish to purchase his house and a share. They have started their six month stint and will be close to 6 months by the time of the AGM, so will possibly be on the agenda for share transfers at next yeas AGM.

    Their names are Matt and Lisa. They will hopefully be in attendance at the community dinner on the 8th, and this would be a great opportunity to meet them and get to know them (and them us).



  • Nmbngee Get-Together

    Saturday December 8th

    A Nmbngee get-together

    Another year is drawing to a close and we have much to celebrate.
    This year Nmbngee reached the ripe old age of 45.

    Drinks, nibblies followed by dinner and music.

    From 4pm till …

    Bring a plate to share and your drink of choice.



  • Powerlines down on Mainhouse hill

    Warning!  The powerlines are down and tree over the road between Matt’s place and Nettie’s. Powerlines are dangling on the road near the Dairy powerpole and near the mainhouse pole. Use caution, recommend avoiding travelling between the mainhouse and the dairy until further notice.

    UPDATE: Road was cleared and power restored at approx 9pm.

  • New Downloads Available

    The Agenda and Treasurers report for tomorrows meeting are available for download here:


    Some copies will be available at the meeting.

  • Meeting Notice Will be Emailed to Members

    As per the decision at a recent General Meeting, the board will in future send out agendas and other communications to your email address rather than by post. The purpose of this change is to reduce postage costs and to enable the board to communicate with members more effectively.

    Important – You can Opt Out if you do not wish to receive meeting notices via email:
    If you wish to continue receiving agenda mailouts via post rather than email, please let the board know, otherwise future meeting notices will go to your email address.

    Note: If we do not have your email address, you will continue to receive correspondence via post.

    We have recently posted each member a letter explaining this and checking with you that the email address we have for you is correct.

    Access Agenda Via Website:
    In future Agenda’s will also be posted on the website within the required notice period.  All members who have a website account are able to access the agenda on the website by logging in and going to the member’s library section. If you would like instructions on how to access the website, or if you currently don’t have a website account but would like one, please get in touch with us by emailing info@nmbngee.org (or call Max).

    The current agenda can be downloaded here: http://nmbngee.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/20171007-SGM-Agenda.pdf

  • How to Login to the Nmbngee Website

    If you are a Nmbngee shareholder, you are entitled to post stories on the website and also access the private members library where you can access minutes of current and past meetings, download a copy of the Nmbngee Rules and a lot of other useful Nmbngee related information.

    You can also create For Sale or For Rent posts on the website if you wish to advertise your house for sale or rent.

    To get access to all these features you need a user account, which you then use to login.  Most shareholders have login accounts.  The only one’s who don’t are those who haven’t yet provided their email address to the Board.

    How Can I Get A Website Account?

    If you wish to have a website account created for you, email info@nmbngee.org with your request, email address and phone number, and we will get you connected. A username and password link will be sent to your email address.

    How Do I Reset My Password (for both first time and existing users)?

    When your account is first created you will be sent a link to set your password, and a link to login. If you have forgotten or lost this email, you can go to the login page and click “Lost your password?” and provide your email address.  This will also generate a password link that will be sent to your email.

    It will look something like this:

    Username: Max     <—– this is your username

    To set your password, visit the following address:

    <http://nmbngee.org/wp-login.php?action=rp&key=PhsjhUNvbasj97jg8y6&login=Max>      <—– this link is your password reset link

    http://nmbngee.org/wp-login.php     <—– this link is to the login page

    If you have any questions about this procedure please contact us on info@nmbngee.org, or call Max.

  • Member Library Updates

    Additions to  the Member Library section

    The Co-operatives Act and Regulation legal mumbo jumbo is now under a heading called Government Legislation Applicable to Nmbngee.

    Also added under the Government Legislation Applicable to Nmbngee section is information about Residential Tenancy law, for anyone who wants to know about their obligations and rights when renting out their houses.  This information is also being used by the board to ensure the Co-operative is abiding by applicable law regarding the rental of site 5.


    Visual Site Map Added

    It’s now possible to browse the site visually with an expanded site map showing all available pages in one view. The site map is available at the top of the sidebar.

  • Mainhouse Roof Replacement Has Begun

    Thanks to the great work by Bob and Tuck, the Mainhouse is getting a new roof!  This will mean that no further water damage will occur and any internal work can be done without any further damage.

    Photos Courtesy Diana Tissott.



  • Notice of Board Meeting: Seeking Agenda Submissions

    Proposed Special General Meeting
    7th October 2017

    The board invites all members to contribute agenda items 

    On Friday the 8th of September there will be a Board Meeting with the purpose of setting an agenda for the upcoming SGM. All members are welcome to attend.

    You can submit agenda items by email, post, verbally or in person at the Board Meeting. As per the rules, members have the right to submit agenda items to be included in the agenda for any upcoming General Meeting and are only required to give 28 days notice of such items (Rules 57c, 57d), therefore submissions can be accepted up until the 9th of September.

    However if you will be attending the Board Meeting to discuss your proposed agenda item and will be seeking input or feedback, please submit your resolution by the end of the 7th of September, so that the secretary can prepare an agenda for the Board Meeting on the following day.

    Formal notice and the finalised Agenda for the SGM will be mailed to all members on the 15th Sept and posted on the website.

  • New Content – Maps and Documents

    Hi All!

    New content is available.

    Updated maps can be found here: http://nmbngee.org/members-area/office/development-plan-and-maps/

    Latest Meeting documents here: http://nmbngee.org/members-area/office/general-meetings/general-meetings-2017/

    2015 and 2016 Financial Year Report: http://nmbngee.org/members-area/office/financial/


  • School Bus Run Alternative Route

    Blue knob – Lillian Rock Road – Murwillumbah Kyogle Road – Stoney Chute Road: Gosels Bus service alternative route information.

    Nimbin Central School is open.

    I have been in contact with Gosels bus service re getting the students who normally travel down Lillian Rock road and along Blue Knob road to school. For those on this (north) side of the road damage (5km’s north of Nimbin), they will pick students up at Blue Knob Hall at 8:10am. They will then travel up Lillian Rock road and along the Murwillumbah Kyogle road, (Barkers Vale) down Stoney Chute road and into Nimbin Central School. They can take any students along the way.

    Please let everyone know.

    For more info call Gosels: 0427149689

    The Bridge repair is underway and may should only be another day or two.


  • Road Status and Warnings


    Be careful on Barter’s Hill (the first one, going down coming in). A land slip has taken out the verge on the outside edge and I wouldn’t drive to close to the edge there, it doesn’t look too secure.

    The condition of Gabal Road from the Front Gate to the bottom of the hill is good as it has recently (after the rains) been graded, so you can keep well left when heading up the hill.  Remember to give anyone coming down lot’s of room.

    2WD Access Restored

    The roads have just had a touch up courtesy Aaron, Chris and Ross. The culvert at the front creek is in good condition and the road in from about Greg’s up to the Dairy triangle has had gravel added and been graded, so roads are passable even by low riding 2wd vehicles. (maybe not TOO low riding – don’t bring your show car in).