Last Sunday Nmbngee held a community work day. A solid crew turned up to get stuck into the Privet and Lantana along the creek bed winding back from the Western side of the front creek crossing. A lot was achieved and people were keen to make this a regular thing.
The area where the weeding took place is circled in yellow
Whatsapp (and Facebook/Instagram) are suffering a world wide outage at the moment, so if you rely on the whatsapp Gabal Road group (or for communicating with other groups/friends) you will need to resort to text messaging for the time being (or other apps, Signal for example)
Facebook made a boo boo, or to the more conspiracy minded, the finger might be pointed at “bad actors”, or maybe a large anti-western Asian country? (Though in this case, the likely cause is just a mistaken BGP update). But the end result is that Facebook, and by extension whatsapp and Instagram, or offline, worldwide.
Hoping everyone and your loved one’s are well and staying safe from Covid-19!
AGM Postponement: This year the Office of Fair Trading has informed cooperatives that postponement of AGM’s this year due to Covid-19 is allowed, and that it is not necessary to seek official approval. So the board has elected to postpone this year’s AGM until next year. The board agreed to this measure due to the concerns that broad based participation in an AGM would not be possible even given social distancing measures.
Director positions will carry over until the AGM 2021, however anyone with concerns about the current positions or who would like to stand for or vote on Director positions before the AGM next year should contact the Board with your concerns.
You have been emailed or posted (depending on your previous preference for receiving correspondence) your ASF and Levy status current as of the 11th June 2020. Please check your email and junk mail folder if you haven’t received those emails yet. No member is facing 2 year inactive status at this time.
I have prepared a mid year report and have posted both the mid year report and the End of Year 2019 report in the meeting section of this website.
As many of you are no doubt aware, there is a serious fire burning atop the Nightcap Ranges. Smoke is filling the Nimbin Valley and residents of Tuntable and Terania valleys are being urged to evacuate.
Tuntable and Terania Residents without alternative places to stay can camp for free at Nimbin Showgrounds (for Tuntable residents) and the Channon (for Terania Creek residents).
At this point Nmbngee is not in the firing line, but we must be vigilant for fires in the area and keep on the guard. There may also be the danger of airborne cinders from the Nightcap fires, especially if the fires spread to the Newton Road ridge.
Contact Ross, Chris or Bob if you see any fires on or near Nmbngee. These three are the designated First Responders for the Nmbngee community and will contact anyone else who needs to be contacted.
There is an emergency meeting in Nimbin Town Hall today at 4pm for those interested in offering assistance or being better informed.
Hi everyone! Id like to put out an invitation to the Nmbngee/Lillifield Family Day at the Dam.
When: On the 2nd weekend of November 9/11/2019 from 12 til maybe 4pm Where: the Dam between Christine’s (Nmbngee) and Steve’s (lillifield)
On the day we will have music , feel free to bring any instruments you like, there will be p.a with mic so the more the merrier, its a family event so get the kids and families together and come along, also a pontoon will be built so everyone can access the water easily. There will be a bbq for people to cook on , byo food and drinks !
P.s We may move to our place (Matt & Lisa’s) after this for kickons
Share Deposits and ASF payments should be paid into the following accounts. Please ensure deposits are marked clearly with your name and the purpose of the deposit.
ASF, Share Deposits and Donations:
BSB 728728 A/C 22273778 Site 5 Rent:
BSB 728728 A/C 22313852
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